
Getting the Most Out of a Custom Soft Play Design

Custom soft play design can be used by children of all ages and abilities, providing a space for them to explore their sensory needs in a safe environment. This equipment can be found in a variety of settings, such as classrooms, sensory rooms, gyms, clinics and even pre-schools. These areas provide a safe place for kids to exercise and build their physical, cognitive and social skills.

Children are able to climb netting, dive into ball pits and run up and down stairs in soft play environments without the same risk of injury as they would experience on a traditional playground. As a result, they can engage their gross motor muscle groups (larger muscles of the legs, arms and torso) in ways that may not be possible in other settings. This helps them to develop their balance, coordination and spatial awareness.

Sensory soft play also provides opportunities custom soft play design for children to practice their movement, stepping and crawling skills in a safe space with minimal supervision from parents if needed. This allows them to improve their motor planning, fine and gross motor abilities while developing the confidence to take on challenges that they may otherwise be unable to do.

These spaces also encourage creativity by providing new and interesting activities to stimulate their senses and encourage their imaginations. For example, a fort, tunnel or other soft structure can give children a creative backdrop to practice their problem-solving skills in new and challenging situations.

In addition, many pieces of sensory soft play equipment are designed to strengthen specific motor skills. For example, motor items can include balancing beams, tunnels and balance boards, which help to develop a child’s crawling, standing and balancing skills. They can also help to improve their motor planning and spatial awareness by helping them understand the relationship between their body and the environment around them.

In order to get the most out of your soft play space, consider including hands-on sensory equipment that will help children develop their fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination and social skills as they interact with others. This could include Keebee playboards, bead maze tables, magnetic activity tables or large puzzles.



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